Each airport's parking lot congestion status on Twitter


Name Sendai Airport 1B Parking lot
Airport Sendai International Airport (SDJ)
Description Use the P2 parking lot for large cars. Vehicles with a total length of 7 m or less, a width of 2.1 m or less, and a vehicle height of 2.8 m or less can be used. However, please note that you may have to wait at the time of congestion or you may be denied admission as there is no dedicated space available.
Capacity 500
Parking fee From the entrance
Up to 1 hour 100 yen
Up to 2 hours 200 yen
Every hour thereafter 100 yen
Up to 500 yen every 24 hours
From the 6th day up to 300 yen every 24 hours
Parking lot reservation 仙台空港 1B駐車場はオンライン予約はできません。


Congestion Calendar

-Vacancies -Congested -Full -Suspended -Restricted a part light colored is forcast.
1 Mon
2 Tue
3 Wed
4 Thr
5 Fri
6 Sat
7 Sun
8 Mon
9 Tue
10 Wed
11 Thr
12 Fri
13 Sat
14 Sun
15 Mon Marine Day
16 Tue
17 Wed
18 Thr
19 Fri
20 Sat
21 Sun
22 Mon
23 Tue
24 Wed
25 Thr
26 Fri
27 Sat
28 Sun
29 Mon
30 Tue
31 Wed
Each airport's parking lot congestion status on Twitter