Each airport's parking lot congestion status on Twitter


Name Centrair Aiport P3 Parking lot
Airport Chubu Centrair International Airport (NGO)
Terminal nearby Terminal 1 / Terminal 2
Description We offer a parking lot directly connected to the terminal building of Chubu International Airport Centrair. Open 24 hours, capacity 5,800. We will open a temporary parking lot when crowded. In addition, it is approximately 10 minutes on foot from temporary parking lot to terminal building.
Capacity 1,200
Parking fee Regular fee
(All day) 300 yen per hour
Maximum charge
(All day) per day (24 hours) up to 1,600 yen
From the 5th to the 30th uniformly within the period 8,000 yen (long-term discount applied)
1,000 yen is added every day after 30th
(modified by 2019-9-1)
Parking lot reservation セントレア P3駐車場はオンライン予約はできません。


Congestion Calendar

-Vacancies -Congested -Full -Suspended -Restricted a part light colored is forcast.
1 Sat
曇りがち | 0%
2 Sun
小雨 | 100%
3 Mon
小雨 | 90%
4 Tue
雲 | 8%
5 Wed
曇りがち | 0%
6 Thr
晴天 | 0%
7 Fri
曇りがち | 0%
8 Sat
小雪 | 75%
9 Sun
晴天 | 0%
10 Mon
晴天 | 0%
11 Tue National Foundation Day
晴天 | 0%
12 Wed
雲 | 0%
13 Thr
14 Fri
15 Sat
16 Sun
17 Mon
18 Tue
19 Wed
20 Thr
21 Fri
22 Sat
23 Sun Emperors Birthday
24 Mon Emperors Birthday observed
25 Tue
26 Wed
27 Thr
28 Fri
Each airport's parking lot congestion status on Twitter