Each airport's parking lot congestion status on Twitter


Name Okayama Aiport Parking lot No.3
Airport Okayama Momotaro Airport (OKJ)
Description The second and third parking lot can participate for 24 hours. The fourth parking lot locks the entrance from 23:00 to 5:30 the next day. If you need to participate at night, please notify the Security Guard Station (West end of Terminal 1F: 090-8046-8255) in advance.
Capacity 260
Parking fee free
The P2 and P3 parking lot can participate for 24 hours.
The P4 parking lot locks the entrance from 23:00 to 5:30 the next day.
Parking lot reservation 岡山空港 第3駐車場はオンライン予約はできません。


Congestion Calendar

-Vacancies -Congested -Full -Suspended -Restricted a part light colored is forcast.
1 Mon
強い雨 | 98%
2 Tue
小雨 | 65%
3 Wed
厚い雲 | 0%
4 Thr
薄い雲 | 0%
5 Fri
晴天 | 0%
6 Sat
曇りがち | 20%
7 Sun
厚い雲 | 0%
8 Mon
曇りがち | 0%
9 Tue
厚い雲 | 17%
10 Wed
小雨 | 53%
11 Thr
小雨 | 100%
12 Fri
適度な雨 | 100%
13 Sat
厚い雲 | 0%
14 Sun
適度な雨 | 98%
15 Mon Marine Day
適度な雨 | 100%
16 Tue
厚い雲 | 59%
17 Wed
小雨 | 57%
18 Thr
曇りがち | 0%
19 Fri
厚い雲 | 37%
20 Sat
雲 | 44%
21 Sun
厚い雲 | 0%
22 Mon
晴天 | 29%
23 Tue
薄い雲 | 0%
24 Wed
小雨 | 86%
25 Thr
曇りがち | 45%
26 Fri
厚い雲 | 10%
27 Sat
厚い雲 | 0%
28 Sun
曇りがち | 0%
29 Mon
曇りがち | 0%
30 Tue
晴天 | 0%
31 Wed
曇りがち | 0%
Each airport's parking lot congestion status on Twitter