Each airport's parking lot congestion status on Twitter


Name Haneda Aiport Intl(3rd Terminal) Parking lot
Airport Tokyo International Airport (HND)
Terminal nearby Int'l Terminal(Terminal 3)
Description Haneda Airport International Parking is convenient to all international terminals (Terminal 3) that depart from and to Tokyo International Airport (HND). The Haneda Airport International Terminal will be renamed "Terminal 3" from March 2020.
Capacity 3,000
Parking fee ¥150/30 minutes for the first 6 hours 30 minutes following parking lot entry
¥2,100 for periods exceeding 6 hours 30 minutes, up to 24 hours
¥300/hour, capped at ¥2,100 per 24-hour period, for periods from 24 to 72 hours
¥300/hour, capped at ¥1,500 per 24-hour period, for periods exceeding 72 hours
Parking lot reservation 羽田空港 国際線 (第3ターミナル) P5駐車場はオンライン予約可能です。
Reservation Page


Congestion Calendar

-Vacancies -Congested -Full -Suspended -Restricted a part light colored is forcast.
1 Tue
2 Wed
3 Thr
4 Fri
5 Sat
6 Sun
7 Mon
8 Tue
9 Wed
10 Thr
11 Fri
12 Sat
13 Sun
14 Mon
15 Tue
16 Wed
17 Thr
18 Fri
19 Sat
20 Sun
21 Mon
22 Tue
23 Wed
24 Thr
25 Fri
26 Sat
27 Sun
28 Mon
29 Tue Showa Day
30 Wed
Each airport's parking lot congestion status on Twitter